
The folk group Lè Vegnolan was founded in 1919. Lè Vegnolan means Winemakers in Vaudois dialect. This association of La Tour-de-Peilz groups singers and dancers. It is part of the Vaudois Costume Cantonal Association (ACCV) and the National Federation of Swiss Costumes (FNCS).

Its members wear the magnificent costume of the Canton de Vaud with pride. It is sober and was already worn in 1919, but has lost none of its authenticity.

This active group aims to maintain the traditions and customs of the Canton de Vaud and of Switzerland, and can therefore share this pleasure during cultural exchanges on a worldwide scale. The group sings songs which are popular, modern or classic and dances on traditional folk music.

The association is involved in numerous local events and takes particular care in preparing and presenting concerts. This enables them to promote the Canton de Vaud folklore, typical of the Lac Leman area, throughout Switzerland and overseas. These last few years, the group has taken part in the Europeades in Spain, Denmark, Italy, Germany… as well as further abroad in the Guinea  Republic, the International Festival of Beijing, China and the International Festival of Ismailia, Egypt. Lè Vegnolan, with its enthusiasm, shares the joy of singing and dancing.